ESL Services
Lisa Gwin, ELL Coordinator & Veronica Wilkerson, Bilingual Aide
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Seal of Biliteracy Information (English, Spanish)
For high school students (junior/senior), who wish to test fluency in a language other than their native language (L1). Proficiency in 4 language domain areas earns them the Ohio and/or Global Seal of Biliteracy on their high school transcript.
Ohio OELPS Screener- Screener for English Learner identification. This assessment is given to newly enrolled students whose first language is not English and another language other then English was indicated on the Home Language Survey at enrollment in Final Forms.
Yearly assessment:
OELPA (Ohio English Language of Proficiency Assessment) Only students designated as an English Learner (EL) are administered this assessment. It assesses a student’s language abilities in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening.
Alt-OELPA The Alternate Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt-OELPA) measures the English language proficiency of a limited number of eligible English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities in grades K-12.
Students designated English Learners (EL) will receive accommodations during all State assessments. During assessments, students may use a word-to-word dictionary and have extended time to complete the assessment within the same day.
Interpretation services provided as needed for testing, classroom activities, parent/teacher conferences, phone calls, etc.